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By observing precepts, not only do you cultivate your moral strength, but you also perform the highest service to your fellow beings to live in peace.

EVERY country or society has its code of what is considered to be moral within its own social context. These codes are often linked to the society’s interest and its legal system. An action is considered right so long as it does not break the law and transgress public or individual sensitivities. These social codes are flexible and amended from time to time to suit changing circumstances. Important as they are to society, these standards cannot serve as a reliable guide to some absolute principles of morality which can be applied universally and for all time.

By contrast, the Buddhist code of morality is not the invention of human minds. They are not based on tribal ethics which were eventually replaced by humanistic codes which are commonly practiced today. Buddhist morality is based on the universal law of cause and effect (Karma), and considers a ‘good’ or ‘bad’ action in terms of the manner it affects oneself and others. An action, even if it brings benefit to oneself, cannot be considered a good action if it causes physical and mental pain to another being.

Buddhist morality addresses a very common, yet crucial question: How can we judge if an action is good or bad? The answer, according to Buddhism, is a simple one. The quality of an action hinges on the intention or motivation (cetana) from which it originates. If a person performs an action out of greed, hatred, and delusion, his action is considered to be unwholesome. On the other hand, if he performs an action out of love, charity, and wisdom, his action is a wholesome one. Greed, Hatred and Delusion are known as the ‘Three Evil Roots’, while love, charity and wisdom as ‘the three beneficial roots’. The word ‘root’ refers to the intention from which an action originates. Therefore, no matter how a person tries to disguise the nature of an action, the truth can be found by examining thoughts which gave rise to that action because the mind is the source of all speech and action.

In Buddhism, a person’s first duty is to cleanse him or her self of the mental defilements of greed, hatred and ignorance. The reason for doing this is not because of fear or desire to please some divine beings, because if it were so, a person would be considered to be still lacking in wisdom. He or she would be only acting out of fear like the little child who behaves well because he or she is afraid of being punished for being naughty. Buddhists should act out of understanding and wisdom. They perform wholesome deeds because they realise that by so doing they develop their moral strength which provides the foundation for spiritual growth, leading to Liberation. In addition, they realise that their happiness and suffering are self-created through the operation of the Law of Karma. To minimise the occurrence of troubles and problems in their lives, they make the effort to refrain from doing evil. They perform good actions because they know that these will bring them peace and happiness. Since everyone seeks happiness in life, and since it is possible for each individual to provide the condition for happiness, then there is every reason to do good and avoid evil. Furthermore, the uprooting of mental defilements, the source of all anti-social acts, will bring great benefits to others in society. Therefore in helping oneself spiritually, one helps others to live peacefully.

Five Precepts

Lay Buddhist morality is embodied in the Five Precepts, which may be considered at two levels. First, it enables people to live together in civilized communities with mutual trust and respect. Second, it is the starting point for the spiritual journey towards Liberation. Unlike commandments, which are supposedly divine laws imposed on people, precepts are accepted voluntarily by the people, especially when they realise the usefulness of adopting some training rules for disciplining the body, speech and mind. Understanding, rather than fear of punishment, is the reason for following the precepts. Good Buddhists should remind themselves to follow the Five Precepts daily. They are:

  1. killing living creatures
  2. taking what is not given
  3. sexual misconduct
  4. false speech
  5. taking intoxicating drugs and liquor

Besides understanding the Five Precepts merely as a set of rules of abstention, Buddhists should remind themselves that through the precepts they practice the Five Ennoblers as well. While the Five Precepts tell them what not to do, the Five Ennoblers tell them which qualities to cultivate, namely, loving kindness, renunciation, contentment, truthfulness, and mindfulness. When people observe the First Precept of not killing, they control their hatred and cultivate loving kindness. In the Second Precept, they control their greed and cultivate their renunciation or nonattachment. They control sensual lust and cultivate their contentment in the Third Precept. In the Fourth Precept, they abstain from false speech and cultivate truthfulness, while they abstain from unwholesome mental excitement and develop mindfulness through the Fifth Precept. Therefore, when they understand the ennoblers, they will realise that the observance of the Five Precepts does not cause them to be withdrawn, self-critical and negative, but to be positive personalities filled with love and care as well as other qualities accruing to one who leads a moral life.

The precepts form the basis of practice in Buddhism. The purpose is to eliminate crude passions that are expressed through thought, word and deed. The precepts are also an indispensable basis for people who wish to cultivate their minds. Without some basic moral code, the power of meditation can often be applied for some wrong and selfish ends.

Eight Precepts

In many Buddhist countries, it is customary among the devotees to observe the Eight Precepts on certain days of the month, such as the full moon and new moon days. These devotees will come to the temple early in the morning and spend twenty-four hours there, observing the precepts. By observing the Eight Precepts, they cut themselves off from their daily life which is beset with material and sensual demands. The purpose of observing the Eight Precepts is to develop relaxation and tranquility, to train the mind, and to develop oneself spiritually.

During this period of observing the precepts, devotees spend their time reading religious books, listening to the Teachings of the Buddha, meditating, and also helping with the religious activities of the temple. The following morning, they revert from the Eight Precepts to the Five Precepts intended for daily observance, and return home to resume their normal life.

The Eight Precepts are to abstain from:

  1. Killing
  2. Stealing
  3. Sexual acts
  4. Lying
  5. Taking intoxicants
  6. Taking food after noonday
  7. Dancing, singing, music, unseemly shows, the use of garlands, perfumes, and things that tend to beautify, and adorn the person, and
  8. Using high and luxurious seats.

Some people find it hard to understand the significance of a few of these precepts. They think that Buddhists are against dancing, singing, music, the cinema, perfume, ornaments and luxurious things. There is no rule in Buddhism which states that lay Buddhists must abstain from these things. The people who choose to abstain from these entertainments are devout Buddhists who observe the precepts only for a short period as a way of self-discipline. The reason for keeping away from these entertainments and ornamentations is to calm down the senses even for a few hours and to train the mind so as not to be enslaved to sensual pleasures. It helps one to realise that these adornments only increase one’s belief in a permanent self or ego. They increase the passions of the mind and arouse emotions which hinder spiritual development. By occasionally restraining themselves, people will make progress towards overcoming their weaknesses and exercise greater control over themselves. However, Buddhists do not condemn these entertainments as wrong things. It is important for us to appreciate that the practice of these precepts are taken, not out of fear of transgression, but out of the understanding that they are beneficial for us to be humble and to lead a simple lives.

Observance of precepts (both the Five and Eight Precepts) when performed with an earnest and willing mind is certainly a meritorious act. It brings great benefits to this life and the lives hereafter especially in developing the wisdom to see things as they really are. Therefore, people should try their best to observe the precepts with understanding and as often as they can.

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Редакция перевода от 03.07.2015 13:55