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пали Sa ve sammaddaso bhikkhu, upasanto carissatī"ti. (saṃ. ni. 4.253);
Soma thera Of pleasure and pain; that bhikkhu will, Rightly, know; and live, become still. [18]{27}
Комментарий оставлен 27.09.2019 19:03 автором khantibalo
Who sees pleasure as suffering = Who sees feelings by way of the suffering natural to change, with the eye of wisdom.
Who sees pain as a thorn = Who sees painful feeling as damage causing, piercing in, and as a thing hard to drive out.
The neutral peace = The feeling of indifference is peaceful, owing to the absence of grossness as in states of pain and pleasure; and by way of a restful nature.
Who sees feelings with the thought that they are impermanent by reason of their becoming non-existent after having come to be, owing to their being characterised by the qualities of arising and passing away, owing to their temporariness, and owing to their being in a state of constant negation,
is he who sees the neutral peace of the neither pleasurable nor painful feelings as fleeting, and is indeed the bhikkhu who will rightly know and live, become still.