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Human Beings are their own Jailors

Is there any truth in our claim that we should be given freedom to do things as what we like?

WHEN we consider human freedom, it is very difficult to see whether we are really free to do anything according to our own wishes. We are bound by many conditions both external and internal: we are asked to obey the laws that are imposed on us by the government; we are bound to follow certain religious principles; we are required to co-operate with the moral and social conditions of the society in which we live; we are compelled to follow certain national and family customs and traditions. In modern society, we are under great pressure; we are expected to conform by adapting ourselves to the modern way of life. We are bound to co-operate with natural laws and cosmic energy, because we are also part of the same energy. We are subjected to the weather and climatic conditions of the region. Not only do we have to pay attention to our lives or to physical elements, but we have also to make up our minds to control our own emotions. In other words, we have no freedom to think freely because we are overwhelmed by new thoughts which may contradict or do away with our previous thoughts and convictions. At the same time, we may believe that we have to obey and work according to the will of god, and not follow our own free will.

Taking into consideration all the above changing conditions to which we are bound, we can ask ‘Is there any truth to the claim that we should be given freedom to do things as we like?’ Why do human beings have their hands tied so firmly? The reason is that there are various bad elements within them. These elements are dangerous and harmful to all living creatures. For the past few thousand years, all religions have been trying to tame this unreliable attitude and to teach mankind how to live a noble life. But it is most unfortunate that they are still not ready to be trustworthy, however good they may appear to be. Human beings still continue to harbour all these evil elements within themselves. These evil elements are not introduced or influenced by external sources but are created by themselves. If these evil forces are made by themselves they must work hard to get rid of them after recognising their danger. Unfortunately the majority of people are cruel, cunning, wicked, ungrateful, unreliable, unscrupulous. If they are allowed to live according to their own free will without moderation and restraint, they would most definitely violate the peace and happiness of innocent people. Their behaviour would probably be much worse than that of other dangerous living beings. Religion is required to train them to lead a respectable life and to gain peace and happiness here and hereafter.

Another obstacle confronting religious life and spiritual progress is racial arrogance. The Buddha advised His followers not to bring forward any racial issue when they come to practise religion. Buddhists are taught to understand that concepts like racial origin and caste or class distinction are all made by deluded minds which cannot see the essential unity of all that exists. People of all religions should not discriminate against any groups of people by glorifying their own ways of life. They should treat everyone equally, especially in the religious field. Unfortunately, followers of different religions encourage discrimination and hostility towards other religious groups.

While working with others, true disciples should not disturb their feelings because of their own traditions and customs. They can follow traditions and customs that are in keeping with the religious principles and moral codes of their religions.

Racial arrogance is a great hindrance to religious and spiritual progress. The Buddha once used the simile of ocean water to illustrate the harmony which can be experienced by people who have learnt to cast aside their racial arrogance: Different rivers have different names. The waters of the individual rivers all flow into the ocean and become ocean water, with one taste, the taste of salt. In a similar manner, all those who have come from different communities and different castes, must forget their differences and think of themselves only as human beings.

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Редакция перевода от 01.07.2015 19:57