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пали Arūpasamāpattinimittaṃ pana "attā"ti samāpattisaññañcassa "saññā"ti gahetvā vā nigaṇṭhādayo viya takkamatteneva vā "arūpī attā hoti, arogo paraṃ maraṇā saññī"ti naṃ paññapenti.
Бхиккху Бодхи (On the remaining three views of the first tetrad:) Apprehending the signs of the immaterial attainments as the self, and the perception occurring (in these attainments) as the self's perception, or by mere reasoning as in the case of the Nigaṇṭhas (Jains), etc., they proclaim: “The self is immutable after death, percipient, and immaterial.”