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пали 9.Musāvādaṃ pahāyāti ettha musāti visaṃvādanapurekkhārassa atthabhañjanako vacīpayogo kāyapayogo, vā visaṃvādanādhippāyena panassa paravisaṃvādakakāyavacīpayogasamuṭṭhāpikā cetanā musāvādo.
Бхиккху Бодхи [9. Having abandoned false speech, the recluse Gotama abstains from false speech] Here falsity (musa) is the bodily or vocal effort destroying the welfare of others of one who is bent on deceiving. '‘False speech” is the volition with intention to deceive occasioning the bodily or vocal effort to deceive others.
Комментарий оставлен 06.11.2019 16:55 автором khantibalo
Even though an effort is made with the intention to deceive, if the meaning is not understood by another the act of deceiving is incomplete; thus the communication of the meaning to another is one factor.