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пали Evaṃ tāvettha mūlapariññāvasena asammohasampajaññaṃ veditabbaṃ.
Soma thera Thus here in the first instance, clear comprehension of non-delusion should be understood, by way of the accurate knowledge of the root. {42}
Комментарий оставлен 26.09.2019 17:40 автором khantibalo
Фрагемент подкомментария
The passage beginning with the words: Within, it is said, there certainly is no self or soul is stated to explain that looking straight on or looking away from the front is, to be sure, just a variety of occurrence of even bare phenomena and that therefore clear comprehension of non-delusion is the knowing of that fact as it really is.
...Accurate knowledge of the root [mula pariñña] = comprehension of the fundamental reason of impulsion at the mind-door [mano dvarika javanassa mula karana parijananam]