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пали So sarīraparikammaṃ katvā senāsanaṃ pavisitvā dve tayo pallaṅke usumaṃ gāhāpento kammaṭṭhānaṃ anuyuñjitvā bhikkhācāravelāya uṭṭhahitvā kammaṭṭhānasīseneva pattacīvaramādāya senāsanato nikkhamitvā kammaṭṭhānaṃ manasikarontova cetiyaṅgaṇaṃ gantvā sace buddhānussatikammaṭṭhānaṃ hoti, taṃ avissajjetvāva cetiyaṅgaṇaṃ pavisati.
Soma thera Thereafter, having looked to the needs of his body ... he enters his dwelling and practices the subject of meditation begun that day [tadahe mula bhutam kammatthanam], at several sittings [dve tayo pallanke usumam gahapento = during two or three sittings while the body happens to be put into a state of warming up].{27} (One sits in meditation not for a long time at a stretch. There are short intervals of relaxation through brief changes of posture when the body gets warm or uncomfortable in the cross-legged sitting pose.) When it is time to wander for alms, he having got up from the sitting meditation-pose, and takes his bowl and robe with just the thought of meditation uppermost in mind [kammatthana siseneva] leaves his dwelling, attending only to the thought of meditation [kammatthanam manasikarontova]. {28} If, when going to his alms collecting place, the bhikkhu's thought of meditation is contemplation on the Buddha's qualities [buddhanussati kammatthanam], he, on arriving at the relic-shrine, enters the shrine's precincts, without having put aside his thought of meditation on the Buddha.
Комментарий оставлен 01.08.2019 19:40 автором khantibalo
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There two or three sittings = two or three sitting turns [dve tayo nisajjavare]. Warming up is said concerning the matter of causing warmth to be taken up twice or thrice [dve tini unhapanani sandhaya vuttam].