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пали Aṭṭhakathāyaṃ pana saraṇavasena ceva ekattasamosaraṇavasena ca ekameva satipaṭṭhānaṃ ārammaṇavasena cattāroti etadeva vuttaṃ.
khantibalo В комментарии говорится, что в части памятования и встречи в одной точке установление памятования есть только одно, и что оно четырёхчастно при рассмотрении как объект медитации.
Soma thera In the commentary it is said that by way of remembering and of meeting in one thing, the Arousing of Mindfulness is only one; and that it is fourfold when regarded as a subject of meditation.{13}
Комментарий оставлен 27.09.2019 17:51 автором khantibalo
By way of remembering: by way of the reflection of actions of skill, and so forth, of body, speech, and thought.
The meeting in the one Nibbana of the various Arousings of Mindfulness is called the meeting in the one thing on account of participation in that one Nibbana or on account of their becoming all of a kind.
On account of the cause or on account of the sameness of entry into the one Nibbana, the Arousing of Mindfulness is said to be just one thing.