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пали 188."Idha, bhikkhave, bhikkhu evaṃ vadeyya – 'sammukhā metaṃ, āvuso, bhagavato sutaṃ sammukhā paṭiggahitaṃ, ayaṃ dhammo ayaṃ vinayo idaṃ satthusāsana'nti.
Francis Story, Sister Vajira "In this fashion, bhikkhus, a bhikkhu might speak: 'Face to face with the Blessed One, brethren, I have heard and learned thus: This is the Dhamma and the Discipline, the Master's Dispensation';
khantibalo "Здесь, о монахи, может говорить монах: "Друзья, от самого Благословенного я слышал, от самого Благословенного узнал: такова Дхамма, такова дисциплина, это система Учителя".
Thanissaro bhikkhu “There is the case where a monk says this: ‘Face-to-face with the Blessed One have I heard this, face-to-face have I received this: This is the Dhamma, this is the Vinaya, this is the Teacher’s instruction.
Морис Уолш 4.8.'Suppose a monk were to say. "Friends, I heard and received this from the Lord's own lips: this is the Dhamma, this is the discipline, this is the Master's teaching",
Сыркин А.Я., 2020 4.8. «Вот, монахи, монах может сказать так: „Я слышал это из уст Благостного, принял из [его] уст. Такова истина, таково должное поведение, таково наставление учителя“.