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Адрес: Прочее >> Висуддхимагга (путь очищения) >> Висуддхимагга, том 1 >> 7. Шесть воспоминаний >> 1. Воспоминание о Будде >> Абзац
пали Niddese (mahāni. 84) vuttanayeneva cettha tesaṃ tesaṃ padānaṃ attho daṭṭhabbo.
khantibalo Смысл этих слов следует понимать согласно методу объяснения, даваемому в Ниддесе.
Nyanamoli thera The meaning of these words should be understood according to the method of explanation given in the Niddesa (Nidd I 142). 24
Комментарий оставлен 23.08.2021 21:27 автором khantibalo
Comm. NT: 24.
1. Buddhānussatikathāvaṇṇanā
The Niddesa method is this:
‘The word Blessed (bhagavā) is a term of respect.
Moreover, he has abolished (bhagga) greed, thus he is blessed (bhagavā); he has abolished hate, … delusion, … views, … craving, … defilement, thus he is blessed. “‘He divided (bhaji), analyzed (vibhaji), and classified (paṭivibhaji) the Dhamma treasure, thus he is blessed (bhagavā). He makes an end of the kinds of becoming (bhavānaṃ antakaroti), thus he is blessed (bhagavā). He has developed (bhāvita) the body and virtue and the mind and understanding, thus he is blessed (bhagavā). “‘Or the Blessed One is a frequenter (bhajī) of remote jungle-thicket resting places with little noise, with few voices, with a lonely atmosphere, where one can lie hidden from people, favourable to retreat, thus he is blessed (bhagavā). “‘Or the Blessed One is a partaker (bhāgī) of robes, alms food, resting place, and the requisite of medicine as cure for the sick, thus he is blessed (bhagavā). Or he is a partaker of the taste of meaning, the taste of the Law, the taste of deliverance, the higher virtue, the higher consciousness, the higher understanding, thus he is blessed (bhagavā). Or he is a partaker of the four jhānas, the four measureless states, the four immaterial states, thus he is blessed. Or he is a partaker of the eight liberations, the eight bases of mastery, the nine successive attainments, thus he is blessed. Or he is a partaker of the ten developments of perception, the ten kasiṇa attainments, concentration due to mindfulness of breathing, the attainment due to foulness, thus he is blessed. Or he is a partaker of the ten powers of Perfect Ones (see MN 12), of the four kinds of perfect confidence (ibid), of the four discriminations, of the six kinds of direct knowledge, of the six Enlightened Ones’ states [not shared by disciples (see note 7)], thus he is blessed. Blessed One (bhagavā): this is not a name made by a mother … This name, Blessed One, is a designation based on realization”’