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Адрес: Прочее >> Висуддхимагга (путь очищения) >> Висуддхимагга, том 1 >> 7. Шесть воспоминаний >> 1. Воспоминание о Будде >> Абзац
пали Mahārājānamāvāsā, devayakkhanisevitā.
Nyanamoli thera The Four Kings of the Cardinal Points, and other gods and sprites beside.15
Комментарий оставлен 23.08.2021 20:58 автором khantibalo
Comm. NT: 15.
1. Buddhānussatikathāvaṇṇanā
“Sineru is not only 84,000 leagues in height
but measures the same in width and breadth
For this is said:
‘Bhikkhus, Sineru, king of mountains, is eighty-four thousand leagues in width and it is eighty-four thousand leagues in breadth’ (A IV 100).
Each of the seven surrounding mountains is half as high as that last mentioned, that is, Yugandhara is half as high as Sineru, and so on.
The great ocean gradually slopes from the foot of the world-sphere mountains down as far as the foot of Sineru, where it measures in depth as much as Sineru’s height. And Yugandhara, which is half that height, rests on the earth as Ìsadhara and the rest do;
for it is said: ‘Bhikkhus, the great ocean gradually slopes, gradually tends, gradually inclines’ (Ud 53).
Between Sineru and Yugandhara and so on, the oceans are called ‘bottomless’ (sīdanta).
Their widths correspond respectively to the heights of Sineru and the rest.
The mountains stand all round Sineru, enclosing it, as it were.
Yugandhara surrounds Sineru, then Ìsadhara surrounds Yugandhara,
and likewise with the others”